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Focuser installation

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Hi guys,

Does anyone know if I can use a moonlight conversion plate (ala http://www.firstlightoptics.com/moonlite-focusers/moonlite-installation-kit-for-newtonian-focusers.html ) on a standard Crayford focuser. I notice that the Moonlight spacers look slightly off centre where as mine is most definitely square. I don't know if it will just need a slight adjustment, leave the spacers off (and if that would work) or if will be a complete failure and not even worth trying. Thoughts and feelings? 

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So just to let you all know, I took the plunge and ordered it just to see. From the looks of it though it's a quality piece of engineered equipment. Very nicely made. The appearance of it being off centre was just an illusion on inspection. I'll let you know how it goes after installation. 

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Thanks Mike. It actually didn't fit. The install kit was fine, it fit my C10 to perfection. The focuser wouldn't screw on to it due to screw alignment. Still, not being a defeatist and recognising that both bits of kit were of decent quality I used some "magic glue" to stick them together that my dad had laying around and swore blind that it was great at metal on metal. It was only 1 part instead of 2 (glue and an activator) so I was dubious but it seems to have done the trick. I've not collimated yet but it's a bit cloudy in Cambs at the moment and I've had other matters to attend to but I'm itching to get some free time and have a play. 

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Before you go to the trouble of collimation, I have to say that I would arrange at least two bolt fixings if at all possible - modern adhesives are very good but I wouldn't want to risk my accessories on the strength of a non-absorbed bond. I know secondary mirrors in reflectors are bonded to their carriers but I'll have to live with that!

You'll love the new focuser and I hope it all works out well for you,

Sent from my iPhone from somewhere dark .....

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