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Tycho, would be an unexpected surprise?


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This was just a picture of Tycho, watching carefully until I got a fright.
Hit that euphoria beginner, feeling that I no longer felt for a long time and asked me:
Will I managed to capture the shadow of that round stone that exists in the central peak of Tycho?
After the initial euphoria and cool-headed reasoning came to the logical conclusion that this would be impossible. Impossible because it simply would not be possible to obtain the necessary to capture something just 100 meters resolution.
So what is that round shadow almost on top of one of the central peaks?
Researching Quick Map obtained by LROC probe (target.lroc.asu.edu/da/qmap.html) doing an analysis of the top image came to the conclusion that it would be nothing more than a small crater about 1.12 Km diameter as we can see in the photo that is appended to Tycho and obtained from the Quick Map, ie, with a diameter 10 times greater than would be needed to fully capture such a stone.
Sheer disappointment?
Not because it demonstrates beyond a doubt the resolution of our telcos are limited weather conditions of the ocean of air in which we live.
This also shows us that any hasty conclusion has great chances to be wrong and ultimately leads us on the right path to learn to do systematic research without letting the euphoria and precipitation take place sobriety and logic.
Thank colleague Rafael Compassi by analyzing the Quick Map for I am unable to access it.
Text: Avani Soares


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