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New set up

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I have been interested in astronomy for some time, using quite basic scopes. I am retiring in the next few week so have decided the time has come to invest in some better equipment.

Below is what I am thinking about getting which I hope will allow all forms of gazing. Your views and opinions appreciated.




Skywatcher Explorer 200PDS HEQ5 Pro GOTO Telescope
Antares ND Moon Filters 2" Density:  13%Density
Skywatcher M48 x 0.75 SLR Adaptor For Coma Correctors Camera: Camera:  Nikon D90


Skywatcher 2'' Coma Corrector


Deben Tracer 12v Lithium Polymer Battery Packs  10Ah


Skywatcher x2 Super Deluxe ED Barlow Lens 2"


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Hi Del6600.........welcome.  If you're just gazing, I would suggest the Skyliner Dobsonian instead.

If your needing astrophotography then what you suggest is a starting point.

The Skyliner takes a few seconds to put in place and start using. The GoTo will need accurate setup and alignment EVERY time. so just for visual work, save the effort and stick with the Dobsonian. Both scopes would still need a cooling period to ambient temperatures, and both require similar collimation.

About £380 for Skyliner and two of my EP's! (Only opinions remember - enjoy your struggle with the decisions  :grin:  )

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Hi there

your choice is similar to my first imaging rig and it will serve you well for both visual & astro photography

I suggest using a laptop and software to control the scope for imaging
if you want to image as well as observe a dobsonian isn't a good choice due to field rotation

but you seem to have the basics sorted but be prepared when I started 6 months ago with this hobby it got serious
and my bank account has suffered greatly but I'm glad I took the plunge

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Hi Del6600.........welcome.  If you're just gazing, I would suggest the Skyliner Dobsonian instead.

If your needing astrophotography then what you suggest is a starting point.

The Skyliner takes a few seconds to put in place and start using. The GoTo will need accurate setup and alignment EVERY time. so just for visual work, save the effort and stick with the Dobsonian. Both scopes would still need a cooling period to ambient temperatures, and both require similar collimation.

About £380 for Skyliner and two of my EP's! (Only opinions remember - enjoy your struggle with the decisions  :grin:  )

Quick reply, thank you.  Yes I do intend astrophotography which is why I thought (after a lot of research) this spec. I appreciate the set up procedure but I think if used regularly it should become common place.


Do you already own the d90?


Yes had for 2 years. I have various lenses inc 18 to 200 Nikon

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Hi there

your choice is similar to my first imaging rig and it will serve you well for both visual & astro photography

I suggest using a laptop and software to control the scope for imaging

if you want to image as well as observe a dobsonian isn't a good choice due to field rotation

but you seem to have the basics sorted but be prepared when I started 6 months ago with this hobby it got serious

and my bank account has suffered greatly but I'm glad I took the plunge


Yes intend useing my Dell Precision M6600 laptop (w7 pro). I am aware of the bank account problem, I am retiering from running a IT company for the last 33 years, so this is my treat.


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.........for astro work, stick with the solution you have.

You're right about   regular use, things do become easier / natural, but the EQ setup just takes a little more attention to detail, to get things right. It also takes a little more space than a Dob?

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Yes intend useing my Dell Precision M6600 laptop (w7 pro). I am aware of the bank account problem, I am retiering from running a IT company for the last 33 years, so this is my treat.



I've been running an IT company and more recently my own PA / multi media company

decided to retire early to take advantage of my circumstances and really get into this hobby

and I still have the company to keep my bank manager marginally happy with my spending habits

only this week I spent £2500 on a new PA system that is going out on hire this week

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I've been running an IT company and more recently my own PA / multi media company

decided to retire early to take advantage of my circumstances and really get into this hobby

and I still have the company to keep my bank manager marginally happy with my spending habits

only this week I spent £2500 on a new PA system that is going out on hire this week

can't take it with you so spend it and enjoy.  Hopefully there will be some cloudless nights in the next few months, it's not good at the moment, rain, rain followed by rain!!  I wish I purchased my intended system a month or two ago, cloudless nights one after the other. Looking positive I am sure it will get better?  Good luck.


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 Thank you all for your comments

Uhwaz:  you comment re NEQ6 is correct, my only concern was the extra weight, I plan on carrying my system when not useing at home in my motorhome, with all the other things that are carried weight becomes a consideration.

Once again thank you to all of you.

Will post back when the new system is up and running.

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