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Dew Control

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I have very bad Dew issues I planned on a 4 way controller and 4 straps

two for the ED 80 and two for the ST 80, with the plan to have one around the lens area on each
and then another near the Flattener / camera's to stop them Dewing up
may be overkill but when I removed my flattener the other night it was soaking with drips of water running down it

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I have very bad Dew issues I planned on a 4 way controller and 4 straps

two for the ED 80 and two for the ST 80, with the plan to have one around the lens area on each

and then another near the Flattener / camera's to stop them Dewing up

may be overkill but when I removed my flattener the other night it was soaking with drips of water running down it

Don't like the sound of that. Mine is a similar set-up + hadn't considered the field flattener.  What dew equipment have you got / are thing of getting?  

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some weather sites list dew point temps, I tend to start getting issues anywhere below 8 deg
esp if its damp (typical winter nights) and even had my 200 tube actually frost up all over
and both primary & secondary mirrors totally fogged out

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