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Decent photographic software for large tiff files?


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Hi all!

DSS produces large files with 16 or more bit depth as output - i wonder what are the usual software packages for adjusting beyond photoshop? Currently i convert to 8bit depth and do the final touches in Gimp, but i assume it would be better to work in the full depth space? How good is pixinsight? Questions over questions @_@ ...

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OK-Just in case someone hits the same problem: Cinepaint can work with all kinds of strange TIFF files. It is quite buggy but you can open TIFFs without changing the bit depth, and do basic adjustments in full depth. For more advanced stuff, its best to transfer the results from cinepaint into GImp or the like. Adobe lightroom , starting with 4.1, can also manipulate large tiffs, and they have a demo version....

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I'd say Pixinisght is world-class for astrophotography.  It'll easily take 16 bit tiffs, I usually work with 32 bit floating point fits, but it will even go up to 64 bit.  Actually, you should do all your stacking in Pixinsight too, if you do get it, I never use DSS any more.

Very large learning curve with Pixinsight though and it's not for the faint-hearted.   You need to watch all the tutorial videos for starters.

Working in 8 bits is a no-no tbh, you'll lose a huge amount of data.

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