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Budget of £400..

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Total noob here!

So ive been reading/looking over the last few days and its time to ask the community for help.

I want to be able to look at the moon/planets  but also the DSO's really! (although I've read they are generally not in colour :( )

I think in all fairness a GoTo is needed as I have no knowledge of the skies at all  (I can spot the moon haha) I realise its probably just as rewarding finding an object yourself but at the moment that would just frustrate me.

I have an entry level d3200 Nikon DSLR so it would be a nice to attach that using a T2 ring? Im not expecting anything amazing here.

Most observing will be done in back garden but can easily drive 2-3 miles to escape nearly all light pollution, based on this I think a DOB is out of the equation as they surely are only any good on a sturdy table etc..

So I hope you can help me narrow down the dazzling array of choice.



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Hi Seany,

I've got a Celestron Nexstar 130SLT, goto, easy alignment, simple to collimate and use. (£330 on FLO)

The only thing I'd say, if you obtain a brand new one, I'd invest in some better EPs and a battery pack for the motor, batteries don't last long enough to align.

Happy choosing.


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Hi There,

Firstly I would go along to a local astro club to see what they have and what might suit you best... Dobs are best bang for buck value and can be moved relatively easily up to 14" apperture!!! Also download a planetarium program, plenty out there but try stellarium its great and free!  to be found here :--- http://www.stellarium.org/ , also a couple of books to help you round the sky 'sky & telescope pocket star atlas' and 'turn left at Orion'.. Its also remarkable what can be seen with a pair of binos!!!


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I think you are going to have to drop one of the requirements, and the one that is the "problem" is imaging of DSO's, at least with the goto.

That aspect really needs a mount like the EQ5 with the goto, and that alone is £500.

The EQ3 mount is less but not really suited, just not stable enough.

To image and view DSO's I would say the 150PDS over the 130PDS, and the kit of both from FLO is £734.

If the DSO imaging went then a Skywatcher 127 Mak on an alt/az would do for visual and planetary imaging - will say not that many planets however, but it will not do for DSO's. In case you think you could get by then the scope is wrong and the mount is wrong for DSO imaging. There is not much left after those two.

You can look at ABSUK and check for used items, they appear at intervals.

Souns like DSO imaging is a requirement and that is the best I can think of, other then to spend a lot more. And I am never sure that is a good idea as ain initial step. The fun and novelty can wear off fast.

By the way finding the moon is not that stupid, I recall one post about 2.5 years ago where someone did say they had gone out and could not find the moon, and it was not a period of the new moon either, and yes it was up there shining away, about a quarter cresant I think.

Look through http://fedastro.org.uk/fas/members/

for your area and if possible visit a club or two, see what people use and ask about imaging aspects.

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ronin, on 16 Sept 2014 - 4:05 PM, said:

I think you are going to have to drop one of the requirements, and the one that is the "problem" is imaging of DSO's, at least with the goto.

That aspect really needs a mount like the EQ5 with the goto, and that alone is £500.

The EQ3 mount is less but not really suited, just not stable enough.

To image and view DSO's I would say the 150PDS over the 130PDS, and the kit of both from FLO is £734.

If the DSO imaging went then a Skywatcher 127 Mak on an alt/az would do for visual and planetary imaging - will say not that many planets however, but it will not do for DSO's. In case you think you could get by then the scope is wrong and the mount is wrong for DSO imaging. There is not much left after those two.

You can look at ABSUK and check for used items, they appear at intervals.

Souns like DSO imaging is a requirement and that is the best I can think of, other then to spend a lot more. And I am never sure that is a good idea as ain initial step. The fun and novelty can wear off fast.

By the way finding the moon is not that stupid, I recall one post about 2.5 years ago where someone did say they had gone out and could not find the moon, and it was not a period of the new moon either, and yes it was up there shining away, about a quarter cresant I think.

Look through http://fedastro.org.uk/fas/members/

for your area and if possible visit a club or two, see what people use and ask about imaging aspects.


Thanks, Imaging is not a requirement at all actually I only mentioned it as I have a SLR. So forget that all together..

I have downloaded the stelleraium program to have a gander.

Celestron Nexstar 130SLT I do like the look of this one as suggested above! I had previously looked at the 127 mak version of it. The 130SLT seems to get very good write ups and seems to fit the bill nicely.

Would this be a good choice with all imaging aside?

Thanks to all for your fast replies!


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Thanks, Imaging is not a requirement at all actually I only mentioned it as I have a SLR. So forget that all together..

I have downloaded the stelleraium program to have a gander.

Celestron Nexstar 130SLT I do like the look of this one as suggested above! I had previously looked at the 127 mak version of it. The 130SLT seems to get very good write ups and seems to fit the bill nicely.

Would this be a good choice with all imaging aside?

Strange quote happened I cant see an adoption to edit

Thanks to all for your fast replies!


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