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The Sun, White light, 08/09/14


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Ok and heres the white light from this morning

If some kind soul wants to try and process this and the Ha I would be interested in the results.

I used to be able to process my old camera images easy, but Im finding these a pain.



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Much better Kev. I use Paint.net and in particular Smart Sharpen or Sharpen+ to sharpen and then Local contrast to pull out a little more detail in my solar pictures. I have Gimp for DSOs but just can't get used to it for solar. I also have Photoshop but I am even more useless with that, but I have just bought a book on the strength of a whole chapter on using PS for DSO post processing so I am hoping to improve.

If you post a Tiff somewhere, I will have go in Paint.net, although Steve Ward is the real pro here and he has already offered.

I have downloaded the latest 16 bit version of Gimp and that was the reason for getting PS, my night time camera is 16 bit and using Paint.net is throwing away half the bit depth in the post processing.


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