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Choice of 3 Dobs

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Simon, how do you find the coma with the 300?

The coma is not an issue with any of the eyepieces I have.  It also wasn't an issue with the BST Starguiders, which have a 60 degree FoV IIRC.  I think if I had a superwide or ultrawide eyepiece it might be visible, but it hasn't bothered me so far.

Have just spent the evening looking through the Dob while the imaging rig takes pictures.  M13 was lovely at 150x (10mm EP), lots and lots of stars visible.  Also looked at M92, M31 (which had a bit of shape to it, using averted vision -- much more shape than I expected with LP!).  I really want to take this scope to a dark location some day, it will be truly awesome :-)


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Actually, what's everyones experience of coma with 10" or 12" reflectors? Is it troublesome? It's unlikely I'll have the funds for a corrector.

It's very much personal. Some people seem to really notice and get bothered by coma, others not so much. I think I fall into the latter; I find that my 250px shows a little coma, but not enough to bother me, to be honest. I'm not hugely bothered by wide field eyepieces - my widest is a 28mm 68 degree Maxvision. It shows a touch of coma near the edges - but not badly. I think if I wanted wider field of views, though, I'd be looking at one.

That said, if someone wanted to give me a paracorr, well...

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A few nights ago I was able to tease out the centre star in the ring nebula, and this from NorthWest London (although the conditions were simply superb that day I have to say). 


That is a truly remarkable piece of observing. Have you seen this thread? You may find it interesting :)


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Hrm...so it's possible that I was "seeing" it because I know it's there, but I'm convinced that there was a definite brighter point. Is it possible to "convince" your eyes that something is there because you consciously know it is? Probably, but ("rules" about what you can and can't see aside) I do believe in what I saw. That said, usually at 5mm (300x magnification) I can't see *anything* because it's too dark, but that day I could see well even at high mag...

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