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An impromptu observing session

Brave Sir Robin

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I left the pub last night and almost fell over...

Clear skies! The shock was almost too much [emoji1]

Anyway once I got home, I decided to get out my Bins (lidl 'bresser' 8x60s) and have a look for comet jacques in Cephus.

In light polluted skies I managed to make out more than one patch of nebulosity on the side of the house closest to Casseopia. One quite small (which I think was the comet) and another more distended patch some way above it.

After this I pointed out a few more objects to my friend. The Andromeda galaxy was quite apparent under magnification, and I was quite pleased to be able to find and guide him to see the coathanger cluster which looked lovely as always.

The milky way was just discernible through Cygnus and Casseopia.

We then turned to the north towards Ursa Major and the Plough to spot the double star in the 'handle'. At this point, and in quite quick succession we managed to see two meteors, both with a nice buttery yellow tinge.

As it was a school night we decided to head in. Just as we turned one last meteor flashed overhead, I could've sworn I saw a blue/lilac streak. Beautiful, and a lovely way to end the evening.

Brave sir Robin ran away. Bravely ran away-away.

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