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Firecapture questions


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Just tried to do DSO images of M13. First attempt with not ideal equipment I know - ASI120MC and 8SE on EQ5 mount. 

I have a question regarding Firecapture. I used it and managed to get a series of 14 captures of  about 4 seconds each. I can see the stars although not a particularly sharp image as I would expect with this kit and my lack of experience!

I clicked on dark frame and the soft ware asked me to cover the scope, which I duly did. It took the image. Am I right in assuming that Firecapture automatically then takes this darkframe away from the captured frames as they are captured?

After capturing the frames, presumably I simply load the file into Autostakkert or Registax and process it in a similar way to I would if i was a planetary image?


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Usually better to post a png rather than a tiff, so that it appears inline. That said, nice enough shot of the star cluster, as you say not perfectly sharp stars but nice. Can't answer your question I'm afraid, I'm sure someone will be along soon who can.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The dark frame option subtracts a dark frame from the light frame. It might be better to take a series of dark frames after the you have completed your lights at the same exposure setting. If you take a dark after every light this will increase the length of time you spend imaging and may also lead to you knocking the telescope when taking a dark. For deep sky imaging you should also you DeepSkyStacker rather the Registax etc.

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Very many thanks for the link to the video. Can't wait to have a go at this. Also helps me have some understanding of dark and bias frames and how they are used. For bias frames what would be the setting for the fastest shutter speed of the ASI120MC? Does this mean setting the exposure at the shortest time when capturing the bias frames?

Being new to all this, I find it quite incredible that the final image produced on the video can be achieved from what appears very little on the captured frames/images. And produced with manual tracking! 

Thanks again for your help and guidance



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Hi Peter and other helpful folk

Just put the 7 frames of around 4 seconds each that I had on M13 into Deepskytracker - no dark frames or bias frames etc etc and hey presto I have the attached image. Although noisy and very light I am really chuffed that this can be obtained BY ME with only 7 frames. Can someone offer me suggestions on how I can use the setting on Deepsky stacker to get the image darker?

Can't wait to get out again to capture this again with more frames and darkframes etc.

Thanks Peter for poiting me at Deepskystacker

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