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iOptron SkyTracker v2 first light

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Well, had a chance to quickly try my new toy last night. iOptron Skytracker v2 on my (existing) Giottos tripod, Manfrotto ball head, Pentax k-x with horrible zoom kit lens 18-55mm at 55mm. Used my 12v dob battery pack for power.

Did a very quick polar alignment using the app and polar scope but wasn't too fussy about it.

Rough focus using camera live view at 10x zoom, precisely and carefully pointed at a general target known as 'up' ;)

5 x 5 minute light frames at f5.6, 26 bias, 5 darks, 15 flats. Not a great deal of care taken with these, was just giving it a try out!

Quick stack in DSS and a rough and ready colour balance in PS. Looks pretty promising to me. Decent star shapes given the complete lack of care and precision on my part.



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