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quick one


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Just popped out tonight for a quick view., mainly due to the fact I was still kicking myself for missing the clear skies Monday.

Had an hour or so looking at our nearest neighbour, which I stubbornly refer to as Luna, she's too beautiful for the name moon.

Then popped over to saturn but the viewing  was iffy and a bit of wispy cloud, still nice but I've seen the ringed one better.

However to top off my night I think I saw the iss, started low in the sw reached a height while south ish then it tailed off to the east. This was between half nine and quarter to ten.

If it's the iss I'm well chuffed, be one of my highlights of observing just because it's epic to be able to see a man made object at that distance, and imagining the astronauts looking down on us.

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