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Something for those who write logs....


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I've started doing more visual recently and am really enjoying it.  Sometimes its on its own, sometimes its when the imaging rig is running too.  Over the years I've lost count of the number of times I've started a log - I keep promising myself that I'll be more diligent, but even when I've tried the log ends up hard to balance and the paper goes soggy!  So I now have two things that I hope will stop me having those excuses!!  I've got a music stand with a a couple of clip-on red lights and in the Uni stationery shop I found these http://www.nuco-international.com/products/nu-stone/tradie-stone-paper-notebooks  My first tests have been very positive :smile:  Its very smooth and so easy to write on and it seems fine in dewy conditions.  So hopefully....


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