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Star Colour Sub Length?


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Hello wise imagers, I seek your help...

I am working on an image of NGC7000 using an ED80 & 383 chip in Ha & OIII and would like to add some RGB data. What sub length and bin would be advisable? I have plenty of Ha & OIII Subs of 1200s at 1x1. I'm thinking of doing the RGB subs for 600s at 2x2 and 5 of each. Will that give good star colour? Or should I go for shorter subs?

I hope you can offer me some pointers.

Thank you.

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Do a quick test image Gav. I'd start off with 100s and then move upwards until you reach a point where the stars are not saturated and you are capturing as much data as possible as well. It's a bit of a balancing act.

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Good question Olly...

My first dabblings with the mono CCD are becoming quite a meander through all the possibilities. My intention was to make an LRGB image enhanced with NB. However, it is turning into an Ha/OIII bi-colour, with RGB star colour... My plan is to add the RGB star image as a layer with blend mode 'colour'. We'll see what actually happens when I start processing in earnest!

I would love to hear how you go about your enhanced LRGB images... It's probably more than a reply on SGL though. If I had some money left I would be sending you an email regarding availability at Les Granges!

No doubt many more questions to follow......

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