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Pelican and NAN mosaic


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Having being presented with a clear sky last night I had a bit of a rummage around to find a target and found some unprocessed Pelican subs from last year, so it was only a moments work to nudge over to the North American Neb and shoot a few frames to go with.

11 subs @ 15 mins each to match the Pelican frames.............a quick stitch in MS ICE and Bob's yer whatsit.


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Lovely, very lovely!

Looks like that scope is rather sweet. I've been oogling over wide field scopes on FLO just recently and came to the conclusion that I would like a WO ZS71-ED and you've just confirmed my desires! Is that shot with the reducer as well?

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Lovely, very lovely!

Looks like that scope is rather sweet. I've been oogling over wide field scopes on FLO just recently and came to the conclusion that I would like a WO ZS71-ED and you've just confirmed my desires! Is that shot with the reducer as well?

Yes with the reducer, but don't rush out to get one if you want to do colour work, it's shocking on blue subs.

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It suffers from blue bloat............ see the image below, a single frame of red, green and blue, 2 mins per exposure. You can see the blue sub is soft and the stars are almost twice the size of the red and green. The scope was refocused between shots - not that it needed it, but just to prove its not a focus issue.


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Cor, that's awful... I thought it was an imaging scope? So, what's the best alternative at this focal length? Sorry to take the thread on a bit of a tangent... Could move to a new thread...?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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