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Meade Series 5000 vs Baader Hyperion

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I recently purchased 3 Meade Series 5000 eyepieces....6.5mm, 12mm & 25mm.  I am looking to possibly purchase 2-3 others to round out the range.  I have done some research and I see that Baader in general seem to get very good reviews.  I notice the Baader Hyperion range are roughly about the same price as the Meade 5000's.  Does anyone have any opinions about the quality difference between the 2 types or maybe even tell me that I have it all wrong and should be considering a different type of eyepiece altogether? 

Please don't tell me though that I should only ever consider buying TeleVue Ethos eyepieces because I don't think my heart would take the strain.................maybe one day when I win the Lottery I will be able to invest in a set!

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I presume as you refer to parity with the Baader Hyperion EPs, you are talking about the Meade series 5000 Super Plossls of HD-60s?

Either way, you may like to take a look at the Maxvison SWA (68deg AFOV) EPs, available through explorescientific.co.uk, or 365astronomy.com. The resemblance to the rather more expensive Meade Series 5000 SWAs is obvious and not a coincidence, but the prices certainly are an eye opener.

There is some debate as to whether these are simply de-badged Meades as a result of an unpaid bill, or whether they didn't quite make the Meade QC cut - Some have noted slight differences in the coating colours for instance. However, I've yet to hear anybody swear to seeing a notable difference in use (if any) and at 30-40% of the Meade price, you could forgive quite a LOT, although it appears you're not being asked to!

The MV 16mm SWA is one of the sharpest EPs I've ever looked through and it only got sold (yesterday) because I have a TV Delos inbound - Aging eyes and the increasing need for glasses friendly eye relief is the one area where the Meade/MV SWAs are easily bettered. it will be a sad day when my 20 or 24mm SWA is asked to depart though. they really are very sharp, well corrected EPs, even in my F4.9 Dob.

Which incidentally is where the Hyperions do seem to get rather found out. In scopes of F6 or less, I didn't find the one I tried to be a significant improvement over my then BST Starguiders (Explorers as they were back then). I understand that they're very good in long FL fracs though, but so are most EPs.


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would be nice to know what scope you have ;)

both Baader and meade hd`s will work fine on F6 and slower scopes and will be OK on f5 but will struggle on faster scope in likes of f4.7 or faster.In general not a bad Ep for budget.There are obviously better ones out there,but not knowing what scope you have there is no point really to talk much about them isnt?

P.S. And no will not recommend you Televues lol. I dont have one and dont see a need of one either :D

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