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The Sun - 11th June 2014

David Smith

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First post from my Windows :icon_puke_l: , soon to be Linux :cool:  laptop. Should make imaging a bit easier and I can process whilst the kids have the desktop hijacked for minecraft :rolleyes:

I digress, another early start as I had an earlier start at work today. Fortunately I managed to coincide with a gap. 52 from 132 stacked for this. Usual processing method.

14399703035_a63eb394ef_o.jpg20140611 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Oooh, lovely image, David :laugh:

I can't say I am a huge fan of Windows. I suppose it can be optimized if you know what you are doing but why oh why do I have a laptop that can record 16 bit Grasshopper 3 files at a decent rate (using the Point Grey driver...) yet Windows often takes five or ten seconds to move a few small files to a new folder :rolleyes: I get a stoopid progress bar to show me moving a few files!

I am now thinking those folks that do everything by command line are smart cookies. None of this sluggish interface nonsense, I presume? :grin: No touch screen optimizations for their non touch-screen screen :grin:

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