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Greetings from Northants, UK


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Hi Satsuma

* How do I know if the GPS data is downloaded?  Is it simply a question of leaving the scope powered on for half an hour or is there something else to do?

>>>> Once you start the alignment process (after switching on) the scope will "wait for GPS connection" and force you to wait to

>>>> If you reach the "alignment method choice" without entering date & time then you are safe to assume the scope has received the date & time from a satellite.  It only offers the alignment choices once it has date & time set

>>>> You can press "menu" on the handset and then "telescope" and then find "view date & time" at any time to see what values the scope has set. If it has contacted a satellite then these will be the correct expected values!

* Once I power down, is the GPS data kept or do I need to download again?

>>>> GPS data is stored on the scope after powerdown

>>>>> The scope will still look to contact satellites next time to get the current date & time however

* If I ever get aligned, is the alignment remembered or must it be done each time even if the scope hasn't moved?

>>>> alignment needs to be done at each session. Celestron StarSense camera will do the alignment for you (but it will cost an extra £300 and you are best to confirm that it is all working before buying anything else)

* Given the scope isn't going to be moved, should I hibernate each time or should I power right down, and is there a process to do that or just turn off the switch?

>>>> hibernate is an option for you

>>>> once you get the hang of alignment then I would probably say that a fresh alignment would be preferred each time

Hope this helps


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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, noted the advice re posting my questions in the appropriate forum. Thank you all for being polite about that.

The power issue seems to be resolving - the power switch lights straight away and the wait for the handset is getting shorter.  Definitely feels like an internal battery charge problem to me, meanwhile I am happy about that.

Thanks especially to Alan with his answers to my questions on alignment, GPS data etc.  Very helpful indeed.

I look forward to seeing you around on the forums


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Hi Satsuma and welcome to SGL.

You might want to investigate another likely source of help too:  a local astronomy society or group. I know of one that covers north Northamptonshire - Central Midlands Stargazers, but I'm certain there are others too.  Sounds like you need someone to check the 'scope and it's power source. I'll risk a 'slapped wrist' for replying off-topic (Forum protocol is that questions are asked & answered in the appropriate section) but consider replacing the battery supply with a mains powered source, especially if you're using the 'scope in the garden where a 240v source is close by. Your question about hibernation: my SkyWatcher GOTO has that facility so I doubt that a Celestron is any different - find the manual on (or off) line and checkout the handset menu structure.

I hope you resolve the issues and are able to get great pleasure from the 'scope.

Paul, the BSG

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