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Sinus Iridum, June 8th


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Hi all,

the third evening in a row I could do a sketch of some lunar Feature. jump.gif This time it's Sinus Iridum with craters Bianchini, Laplace A, Laplace D and Heraclides E.
As usual, the technique has been white pastel pen and charcoal pen on black cardbox sketching paper.

Telescope: Celestron Nexstar 127/1500 SLT
Eyepiece: HR Planetary 7mm
Place: terrace, Dusseldorf Region, Germany
Date & Time: June 8th, 2014, 2120-2205 CEST

Best Regards,



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Congratulations on making the ASOD.

I'm hoping to dip my toe into Lunar sketching myself this year, it's both daunting and exciting at the same time.  I have sketched deep-sky in the past, somehow, I feel that sketching the features on the moon will be a different prospect.

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