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Is this scope any good?

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Hi, my name is Paul, im a newbie to the site, and was wondering if anybody can help me with uploading some pics to a thread. I have a very old looking scope, which was given to me by an old customer of mine, but every time i try to load a photo, it says that the file is too large. Any ways around this would be helpful, as im eager to find out as much as i can about it. It has printed on the focuser tube : H&G Astronomical Telescope D=76.2 F=910 and Made in Japan. It came in a wooden box with a printed itinerary of its contents. If its worth nothing, i may bin it as the eyepieces are way too small and are not sure if the optics are that great. Thanks Paul. :grin:

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I suspect it will perform a fair bit better then you expect.

The eyepieces will be 0.965" ones but they are still available these days with a bit of looking.

H&G is on the focuser, and as asked any sign of a small circled k on it.

Has it got a name beginning with K on it as well any where?

Keep seeing replies coming in, leave it to Joves to continue.

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You have yourself a Circle K, I believe probably made in the 70's. I definitely would not bin it, they're apparently quite nice little scopes.

Unfortunately, I'm not even close to being an expert and have no first hand experience with these, so Ronin please go for your life... At least we now know what it is.

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Hi Ronin, i cant see any other name on the scope anywhere, unless its worn off with time. the entry size on the eyepieces are so tiny , i can barely see through them. Nice to know that you can still get hold of them though. Any suggestions guys??

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My understanding is that it's not likely to be worth a whole heap, but they apparently had/have very good optics. Don't underestimate the enjoyment that can be had by a 3" refractor. Your has a nice focal length, so I reckon it'd be a handy little performer on the planets. Would also make for a very nice solar scope with an appropriate filter.

Sorry I can't help more.

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Best option appears to be the Panorama OKT-118 telescope.

The question about a name starting with K was the original name for Canon was derived from Kwanon, and Kwanon (Canon) did make scopes of that specification. Very good scopes as well.

They are actually very good scopes, allowing for the eyepieces being on the small size.

The other option for maker/name is the Tasco Brand, but back then Tasco were very good scopes, quite why they have gone "downhill" I have no idea. Maybe someone decided to aim at the bidget line, as in sell more at a lower price.

Stick Panorama OKT-118 in google and read through the CN archive posts.

One post on CN the person rates the scope well and say it is the best white light scope for solar viewing he has.

Which could indicate a possible use.

According to CN there should be a single sheet manual, that is badly translated fron Japanese to English.

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Thanks Ronin for your knowledge and help on this. im trying to figure out how to post some pics, and will deffo use it for solar imaging, as it came supplied with some solar filters. Thanks again, Paul.

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Paul, if these filters are ones that goi in the eyepiece holder DO NOT repeat DO NOT use them. they should be banned and if it fails you will end up blind or your camera will be fried. ONLY use correct filters that go over the "front" of your scope. I can't stress this enough.

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Thanks for the advice guys,the filters are the sort that fit in the eyepieces,which will now get binned. I will probs use this scope for solar observing as of now. Any suggestions where I can buy 3 inch sun filters that will fit this? Paul.�

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The old 76mm refractor in my avatar has excelent optics. I purchased a HYBRID DIAGONAL which allows me to use 1.25" eyepieces. 

This model from Antares is not very expensive, of good quality, and a great upgrade for bringing many old scopes back into use with modern eyepieces.


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