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Do CCD Cameras work even better under dark skies?

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Hi guys,

It's a long time since I posted here, life's been hectic!

My CCD camera works well in my light polluted suburban skies, so that got me thinking about whether it would work better with the same equipment if I took it to darker skies?

Any ideas?


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All cameras will work better under dark skies. Without any light pollution, which most of us are sadly plagued by in one form or another, you will catch much better data. More faint detail and less noise for starters - Sounds like a recipe made in Heaven :grin:

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The improvement is enormous. To make the most of it you should use longer sub exposures which will take your precious faint data over the read noise. With LP to contend with you just find that the skyglow swamps the signal. From my dark site we routinely shoot 30 minute luminance subs at F5. 


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The only equipment I can think of in astronomy that works better during well lit conditions, is solar scopes, and cameras. Everything else works much better in the dark - and the darker the better. :)

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The only equipment I can think of in astronomy that works better during well lit conditions, is solar scopes, and cameras. Everything else works much better in the dark - and the darker the better. :)

...although my brain seems to work better in the daylight. I did hear someone say, once, 'This is nice and easy to use, even allowing for the 30% drop in intelligence which afflicts me when I'm in the dark.' I was glad it wasn't just little me!

:grin: lly

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Olly, I have seen a single 5 minute sub from Maurice (mftoet) using the Epsilon 2.8 on a Canon 5D mk II DSLR at ISO 1600 from your site...it is incredible the difference a dark site makes...

Indeed so. Not going to argue with that! I must confess that I have only ever imaged from here since this is where I met the dark art for the first time. However, I often help guests with images captured in LP at home so I know the difficulties.


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