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What Did We See?

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Saturday evening at around 11pm me and the wife noticed with our unaided vision what we can only describe as a group of red coloured shooting stars.

There were 7-9 deep red coloured travelling balls of light closely grouped together moving at great pace in a north easterly direction.

it's my understanding that shooting stars are usually white/yellow, singular and precise in the way they emit light but these were large and quite hazy and seemed to appear and disappear behind the clouds though no clouds were obvious.

During this 2-3 second show there seemed to be a clash between the middle 3 which we expected to result in a dramatic spread of direction but the group remained in close formation, much like a group of snooker balls moving down a table.

About 10 seconds after the first sighting we noticed another pair but moving directly north this time, again it looked like there was going to be a clash of paths but they disappeared because of an unexpected loss of illumination. 

I've tried to google short descriptions of our sighting but not been able to find any type of explanation so I ask you forum, what did we see? 


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Welcome to the forum ...  :laugh:

Sounds to me like you saw a skein of geese flying by and illuminated from below by streetlights.

A regular sight down this way yet I always get taken aback by the sight , sometimes they give themselves away by honking but not often at night in my experience.

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