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Some feedback Please

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I managed to grab a few shots of Saturn for the first time last night and I would love some feedback .

Are they any good ? Rubbish ?

They were taken with a SKY-WATCHER SKYMAX-150 PRO and a ZWO ASI120MC Colour 1/3" CMOS USB2.0 Camera.

I really struggled with the frame rate at first only getting 1.9fps. After a bit of playing about a got it to 14.9 fps.

There does not seem to be any colour in the final picture. I used Registax to stack the AVI's

I tried using a 2x barlow but the image was not to good so I put the camera straight into the 45 degree diagonal and set the capture to  640x480 to get these images.

Any help would be much appreciated

Also any help keeping the clouds at bay would be great !!




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to be honest there pretty good considering how close it is to the full moon
I'd say you did really well to get so much detail
the last picture looks like the gain was a tad high causing it to bleach the colour out

I normally use a smaller ROI which will help your frame rate

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try playing about with the ROI (the smaller the better)
also the gain and exposure time can have significant effects on the frame rate
I tend to use a small ROI but this means the target moves out of frame more often meaning shorter runs and a lot of adjusting the ROI or adjusting the scope to keep the target framed
but to compensate I use PIPP to join 4 or 5 shorter runs to give me more frames to play with in the final processing

a general rule of thumb is to use the histogram and get it between 50 - 75%

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i had a similar problem with frame rates, don`t use a hub if you can help it, don`t use usb3 either, my desktop pc in the obsy will not do high frame rates with this camera even though it has usb2 ports installed, god knows why not, but it flys on my old dell d610 laptop, at 640 resolution i`d be getting something like 60-75 frames a second.

i use firecapture and pipp and autostackett to process the images and only use registax with the final image for the wavelets to sharpen alittle 

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