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Milkyway rise through cloud

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Series of still frames brought together as a timelapse (20s on 20s off)

Shot on the morning of May 5th 2014.

I laid my Skytracker on its back with its PA pointing to the zenith and ran it at half speed to get movement in both foreground and starfields - clouds ruined it so will need to do this again on a clear night

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Really like the contra pan between the stars and the terrestrial by using the half sidereal rate....

I made a switch box for the guide port on my mount but never got round to using it... you could get various effects by adjusting the autoguide speed in the handset...


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Time lapse is one thing I have not tried but plan to in the near future. Francis, I was wondering if you could elaborate a bit more on your methodology and equipment to get foreground movement and crisp stars. I have an iOptron Skyguider and was planning to use my Canon 60Da with a wide angle lens. BTW, I wholeheartedly like the effect of the clouds, the foreground movement, and the lighting. Well done!


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