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Just ordered EQ8, I have few questions...


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If I understand correctly there are quite a few EQ8 mounts in this forum so I hope you can help me.

I ordered just mount without tripod.

1. Since my old mount is CGEM I was wondering if EQ8 HC is same as CGEM's?
2. I have cable that goes to the base of HC (that came with CGEM) and RS232 to USB converter, can those be used with EQ8 (I'm using Maxim DL through ASCOM, will not use EQMOD)
3. Is 13.8V 6A power supply OK for EQ8?
4. is there anything I should be watching for, dec clutch lever is mentioned in other forums...?
Thanks for your time
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If I understand correctly there are quite a few EQ8 mounts in this forum so I hope you can help me.

I ordered just mount without tripod.

1. Since my old mount is CGEM I was wondering if EQ8 HC is same as CGEM's?
2. I have cable that goes to the base of HC (that came with CGEM) and RS232 to USB converter, can those be used with EQ8 (I'm using Maxim DL through ASCOM, will not use EQMOD)
3. Is 13.8V 6A power supply OK for EQ8?
4. is there anything I should be watching for, dec clutch lever is mentioned in other forums...?
Thanks for your time

1 They look similar but not the same.The CGEM handset won't work with the EQ8.

2. Not sure, the mount should come with a serial data cable for firmware updates etc anyway.

3. Should be, check the requirements in the manual.

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