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greatly improved M51


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hi again guys n gals...

this is another re-process of my first propper effort of M51 using a sw equinox 80, heq5 and atik 314L.

the green and blue were shot last year....part of a failed attempt, and these had terrible eggy stars....you know, the sort you often see on cbbc's 'orrible historys!!!!

anyhow, i recently improved my cable management, and shot Ha, Luminance and red with rounder stars...and was hoping to re-shoot the blue and green....but alas the weather! so i set about re-processing with the orrible star data, and if anything, its a marked improvement on my earlier efforts....please let me know what you think.

thanks for looking....




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hi again guys n gals...

this is another re-process of my first propper effort of M51 using a sw equinox 80, heq5 and atik 314L.

the green and blue were shot last year....part of a failed attempt, and these had terrible eggy stars....you know, the sort you often see on cbbc's 'orrible historys!!!!

anyhow, i recently improved my cable management, and shot Ha, Luminance and red with rounder stars...and was hoping to re-shoot the blue and green....but alas the weather! so i set about re-processing with the orrible star data, and if anything, its a marked improvement on my earlier efforts....please let me know what you think.

thanks for looking....


There's a small DSO at 11 o'clock. What's that?


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Great result on one of my favrote galaxies.

Hope you don't mind I noticed a green cast to your first post, so ran it through Hasta La Vista, Green (a photoshop plugin you can get here)

While I was there I also did some levels and curves and some sharpening  by using a duplicate  layer set to "overlay" with a high pass filter applied with a radius of 2.4 pixels, I also used a layer mask by pasting  copy of the image on the  layer mask, so the sharpning would only be aplied to the brighter parts of the image.

Hope that makes sence.



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Great result on one of my favrote galaxies.

Hope you don't mind I noticed a green cast to your first post, so ran it through Hasta La Vista, Green (a photoshop plugin you can get here)

While I was there I also did some levels and curves and some sharpening  by using a duplicate  layer set to "overlay" with a high pass filter applied with a radius of 2.4 pixels, I also used a layer mask by pasting  copy of the image on the  layer mask, so the sharpning would only be aplied to the brighter parts of the image.

Hope that makes sence.


Mike....that is a superb job! and thanks for explaining it too. im gonna have a bash at what youve done in a mo!

and i agree, m51 is one of my faves too!



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