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Losmandy bar won't fit NEQ6 Pro mount (help). :-)


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Hi guys ive just bought this losmandy bar on ebay for my NEQ6 Pro but it wont fit on the mount, is there something i'm doing wrong or have i bought the wrong thing?

Basicly i wanted to move the standard bar that came with my 250pds on to the top to mount my st80 and use this one for the bottom.


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A bit strange...

I use the ADM version of the "Losmandy" wider dovetail on my C11 and an NEQ6pro....fits and is rock solid.

Can you take an end on image of the bar sitting in the saddle plate...maybe the angles don't match???

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I can put one up tomorrow, i tightened the saddle up as far as it will go but it was too big to grip the bar, the inner grip on the saddle would have been fine to grip it but it wont fit because the plate is too wide.

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Ill have a look tomorrow as its at my folks house but ill be going there in the afternoon. Its baffled me because it looks like a universal losmandy plate and i was sure it would fit till i tried it

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A bit strange...

I use the ADM version of the "Losmandy" wider dovetail on my C11 and an NEQ6pro....fits and is rock solid.

Can you take an end on image of the bar sitting in the saddle plate...maybe the angles don't match???

Heres a picture showing that I have a gap at the side of the plater and it is screwed all the way in and I cant go on the bottom notch as the top plate is too wide


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