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ngc4565 LRGB


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Last one for now, I've just about cleared the processing backlog from the past few weeks. This is ngc4565 but again the TV NP127is produces only a wide field on such a small target. Plenty of detail in there though. Image is a stack of 10min subs, 5 lum, 4 red, 3, blue and 3 green. Processed in StarTools and AstroArt 5.

Wide field view:


100% crop showing just the galaxy:



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I like the resolution but not the colour balance. It's hard to say just from an eyeball view but I suspect that the low reds are too high and the high blues are too high. The outer part of the halo is showing blue here but the astrophysics tells us that these are old, evolved red stars. They can't be blue.

In the scheme of things these are easy to play around with.


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Yes Olly the colour balance leaves, er, something to be desired... Bit of a heavy hand with the saturation too. Lots of bad weather forecast here so plenty of opportunity to make some more adjustments. I'm trying to find a workflow that works for me so I'm not having to blindly follow tutorials all the time. I play with all the settings for every step and also try things in a different order, so getting a pretty result is a bonus right now :)  I know what I want an image to look like but I just can't quite get it yet.


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