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Finally ... ... my first Ha images in a year


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Eleven months ago I was trying to get my Ha scope to focus, with no success.  After a bit of investigation I discovered that my Coronado BF10 blocking filter had 'rusted'.  The nice people at Telescope House said that, even though I hadn't bought the filter from them (the dealer I bought it from had gone bust), as Meade/Coronado main dealers they would arranged to have it shipped back to the US for repair/replacement.  They warned me that Meade were taking many months to look at returns.  The filter went off the the US from Telescope House in July.  In the end it looks as though it took Meade in the US a staggering 8 months to assess the filter and authorise a replacement.  Telescope House duly sent a spanking new BF10 within a week of the filter being assessed.

Now the scope is better than ever.  Below are my first results.



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