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C8 edge reducer / small apo ?

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Been looking at the ridiculous price of the matched reducer for the C8 edge (£280) and wondered if I should skip it and get a small apo frac instead.

Bought the C8 for planetary which is my main passion but I'm getting the itch to attach the Nikon to something :-)

I'm guessing the reduced C8 at 1400mm will be harder to guide / track than a small 400mm frac.

what do you think...

Thanks all

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My vote would be small frac now (e.g. faster cooldown, quicker to set up, easier to guide, great at dodging wind) and maybe get the Edge reducer later on if you then fancy adding more focal length to the mix.

I have the Edge 8 reducer but haven't had a chance to use it on DSO's yet, thanks to the dodgy weather! I find the reducer handy for lunar imaging with my smallish video camera sensor - I can then get the full disc in fewer tiles. Not sure I can get a whole Moon at 2m without missing a bit :grin:

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Picked up an immaculate(looks new) W.O. 71mm ZS ED,

it looks lovely, even the Mrs said so !

Had a quick go on the Moon and found very little C.A. pretty pleased.


Nothing special, hand held on a D7100 320th second ISO 100

Its funny, the thing looks tiny on the AVX but massive when hand held on an slr  :grin:

I guess thats me on the slippy slope now then, it will be guiding next !

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