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eq1 family friendly version


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Having been severely mocked for the state of my eq1 wide field mount at sgl9. I decided to tidy it up a little now it looks a lot less like a sex toy and a lot more family friendly




If anybody is interested the bolt that holds the bottle is an m12 cap head allen bolt of 50mm length. It's the longest I could find with a thread that went all the way to the head. The head being round means The bottle top doesn't distort unlike when I tried to use a hex head. 

The polar scope is mounted using Tool clips and cupboard block connectors the larger tool clips are 25mm the smaller tool clips are 19mm

I was advised to make sure there was no slop in the ra axis but surprisingly a very very tiny amount seems to make it run a little better as then it runs a little more freely. polar aligned this mount gives over 2 mins at 50mm  with almost imperceptible star traling

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A good polar scope really is the key to the success of this mount I think the whole thing including polar scope has cost me less than a £140 which seems not bad for a portable wide field mount. I picked up my tak em2 polar scope on ebay for $80 inc shipping from america in fact the shipping cost as much as the scope if I remember rightly and I think that included taxes so if anybody sees one of these old polar scopes going cheap its well worth snapping it up as  it makes such a difference to this mount  here is a shot taken last night. It's converted to jpeg but otherwise untouched its fairly typical of last nights imaging run


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Reminds me somehow of the Tower of Babel.

I knew an Irishman with a sheleighliegh that shape.

If I had a drill, I could make a Meerschaum out of that.

Any relation to Heath-Robinson?

Does it work in other dimensions as well?

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Reminds me somehow of the Tower of Babel.

I knew an Irishman with a sheleighliegh that shape.

If I had a drill, I could make a Meerschaum out of that.

Any relation to Heath-Robinson?

Does it work in other dimensions as well?

You may mock I can take it but how many other people have a takahashi eq1? :smiley: seriously though a few people have used the eq1 for wide field but have complained of an inability to polar align this system appears to give me 2 mins which should make for some product. now all I have to do is figure out some way of getting Steppenwolf to do the processing for me as i haven't a clue what to do next :smiley:

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Aawww... I liked it better when it was a lightsabermaritalaid. Pretty impressive results though. How is the new vixen working out?

I am a long way off using the vixen yet I have to figure out some way of fitting outlandish spare parts to it. i was thinking maybe a bicycle to provide self powered tracking.

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