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Tall water butt stand


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Has anyone seen/puchased a tall water butt stand for their dob by any chance?

I was looking at them in b&q today but they all seem to be around 30 cm high and I was after one about 45-50 cm as im a lanky so and so....

Can't see any online either that are tall enough

At present I have it on top of some sturdy wooden blocks which works great but I have other plans for these blocks in the garden and they are very heavy so not very portable if I want to move the scope round the garden.

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They only need to be as high as a bucket.

So your luck may have run out. 

325mm high, 51cm diameter = too small for a 200p http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-BLACK-200-LITRE-WATER-BUTT-STAND-BASE-WATERBUTT-MADE-IN-UK-/221204658549?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Garden_Plants_Bird_Bath_Feeder_CV&hash=item3380d33975#ht_2270wt_1162

Similar height, and 52cm wide = OK for 200P http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Stewart-Water-Butt-Stand-2403005-/290734783272?pt=UK_Home_Garden_Garden_Plants_Bird_Bath_Feeder_CV&hash=item43b124bb28#ht_464wt_1162

I have to stoop a little bit with mine, but it's more comfortable than using a seat.

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Dig a trench. Put the Dob next to the trench. Stand in trench.

Several hundred short actors can't be wrong...

lol - not very portable !

think i'm gonna make something instead using my (non-existent) carpentry skills.....

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lol - not very portable !

think i'm gonna make something instead using my (non-existent) carpentry skills.....

It might be safer to make it yourself to stop the assembly becoming top heavy.

50cm wide and 30cm tall will make a stable platform.

50cm wide and 50cm tall will be less stable due to the scopes higher centre of gravity.

At least you can design it with a wider base if required, or outrigger stabilisers.

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