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Big isn't it....

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Space I mean :D

So here goes ..hooked the camera onto my HEQ5 mount using a spare short mounting bar I had. Plugged in my new remote shutter release gizmo and caught a couple of shots at something like a minute and half for the first and just over two for the second both at 1600 ISO.

Having new kit exposed to the elements must have angered the astro gods so in came the :D

Still finding getting the focus for these shots tricky just using the cameras viewer, but then again test shots cost nothing but time..he ho.

All comments more than welcome.

BTW as you've probably guessed these both have M31 fairly central in each shot.



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Just shows how effective the DSLR can be for this kind of imagery. The first one is A1. Lovely black sky, and the stars pretty sharp.

The extra half minute reveals the Amp Glow from the camera, and the background is a bit lighter to o.

M31 is quite discernible in both shots, but a little more elongated in the second.

I think there is lots of scope for experimentation using different focal lengths, and ISO speeds.

I do like wide field images.

Ron. :D

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Those are nice pics Roy - I like widefield shots. I've found that stepping the aperture down a couple of stops on the camera makes focus much much easier as it gives a wider depth of field (at the expense of light gathering obviously)

Nice work! :D


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Another widefield fan here Roy and those are nice and Wide. :D In fact with so many stars I had a bit of trouble spotting M31 at first. However,with a few clicks of the dodge tool........there she blows! :D(don't know why it looks green. :scratch:)

Great shots. 8) Oh well, tea-breaks over got to go.)



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Thanks guys for the comments.

I've re-posted the second longer exposure shot after some more processing - this time I'm happier with the background colour as it looked a bit blue in the original post.

BTW: the red glow in the bottom right was just a clip of roof line, that after processing the rest of the image looks a bit weird - yeah I could crop it out but then I'd loose some of the scale.




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