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Jupiter 30/3/14

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Hi folks,here is my first attempt at imaging Jupiter with my zwo asi 120mm camera.taken on my equinox ed80 with a revelation 2.5X barlow.this is the luminance capture,2200 frames stacked & aligned in AS2..Only a slight tweak in registax wavelets.Got to do a bit more swotting up before i try to combine the rgb captures...can this be done in registax or do i need to use something like pixinsight or gimp.

thanks for looking and appreciate any comments or advice.



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Thanks Leveye, took blood,sweat and almost tears to get this image.

At least you got there in the end,well done.

This imaging lark is not as easy as it looks

is it.At least you can show your mates what

do for a hobby now.You will just get better

at it now. :icon_salut: 


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Thanks Steve,the blood was from trippin over guide rope head first into bushes,sweat from lugin gear in & out every session & tears when i coud'nt get my 250pds to focus on camera:( due to nót enough inward travel on focuser i think.


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Hi folks,here is my first attempt at imaging Jupiter with my zwo asi 120mm camera.taken on my equinox ed80 with a revelation 2.5X barlow.this is the luminance capture,2200 frames stacked & aligned in AS2..Only a slight tweak in registax wavelets.Got to do a bit more swotting up before i try to combine the rgb captures...can this be done in registax or do i need to use something like pixinsight or gimp.

thanks for looking and appreciate any comments or advice.


attachicon.gifJUPITER & MOONS.tifattachicon.gifJUPITER & MOONS.tif

Any chance you could reload the images as jpegs ?

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