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Mounting a DSLR+Lens with Guide Scope?

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Although i have been imaging now for around 18 months, i have been a bit careless along the way and not been taking it all too seriously. But last night i ordered a guide-scope package and am looking for advice as i now want to try and get the most out of the equipment i have.

I have been imaging with a DSLR and 200mm lens sitting on a ball head (on a small vixen dovetail) which is all on top of a NEQ6. In the past i set up the mount, polar aligned and just pointed the DSLR where i wanted to image but i wouldnt mind having it fixed down so i can start taking advantage of the mounts GOTO ect.

Although the ball head method does work, it will not when it comes to mounting a guider with it (plus, i'm sure the ball head causes flex) I want to do away with the ball head and mount the DSLR and lens combo along side the mini guidescope, treating it like a scope but what is the best way to do this?

I do have a 10" losmandy plate which i havent used yet (one of those late night "ooohh that will come in handy" buys). What would be the best way to fix DSLR and guider to it? Or is there a better method? Will i have to buy a dual mounting bar? :huh:

I wouldnt mind seeing some pics of others DSLR, lens and guider setups if you have any as there doesnt seem to be many floating about.

Cheers to anyone that can shed a little light!

Edit: Heres a link to what my set up looks at the moment - https://www.flickr.com/photos/80205804@N05/13111176183/

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I took a dovetail bar and simply mounted the dslr w/ lens and the guidescope side by side. Done. Yes it's really that easy.

How are you mounting the DSLR leveye? With a bolt?

I attempted this on the losmandy plate but couldnt get the bolt to tighten all the way in, i've considered putting a washer inbetween the plate and DSLR to get a tight hold but still feel that it may start to come loose as the mounts RA axis becomes closer to parallel with the ground. Adding the washed will also leave only a few mm of thread in the DSLR which i'm a bit worried about!

I do have a longer vixen dovetail somewhere though, i will try and dig it out and try again.

Have a look at this thread there is an example of what can be done.http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/212386-tracking-with-a-camera-only-setup/


Cheers Alan, i will give this a read. Its a fresh one too, missed it somehow!

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