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advice about EQ5


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i am looking for a second hand EQ5.  there is one listed here on ebay... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Skywatcher-EQ5-Pro-Equatorial-Mount-tripod-Synscan-Computerised-Goto-System-/121298048066?pt=UK_Telescope_Mounts&hash=item1c3ded5442 .

unless i get really lucky I am not going to be able to afford an HEQ5 or better, so I am going to have to abandon my hopes of mounting my SW250 flex tube and am now  more looking to mount my SW80ED or play with just the camera and lens.  I understand that the motors in the HEQ5 are superior to those in the EQ5 so the tracking is better.  i would like some advice on how accurate a guided EQ5 is for AP compared to a guided and unguided HEQ5 and how long an exposure I am likely to get on an EQ5 unguided, with my SW80ED.

with regard the specific item on ebay, it looks to me like the motors are fitted after market.  does anyone know if these motors are likely to be better/worse/same as the standard EQ5 motors

many thanks...

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that looks like a bog standard EQ5 with the supplied motors not aftermarket
your 250 is way over the limits for the EQ5, the HEQ5 does have better motors and a bigger load but thats why its more expensive
and upgrading can be just as expensive in the long run your SW80 will be Ok on the EQ5 and give you decent exposures over manual tracking

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the EQ5 and the CG5 are identical mechanically but it seems the CG5 has superior software.  does anyone know if this information is still current?

and any opinions on the accuracy of the CG/EQ5 when guided?

many thanks

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basically the same mount but different software

the EQ has the advantage of being able to use the EQMOD software

i have the disadvantage of being a Mac user, thats a disadvantage in all things AP.... :grin: so i think EQMOD is is out for me.  

what sort of exposure times can you get with your 200p and eq5? and do you guide it?

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I can't offer advice about guiding, but your link is of a ebay trader who buys things cheep and sells on. You will get better deals buying from fellow astronomers on sites such as ABS.  Here's an example.

U.K. Astronomy Buy & Sell


Many thanks for that Andrew.  I will have a browser through there.  the HEQ5 looks excellent.  doesn't have the Goto, but i think Stellarium would do that job from a laptop.  seems like just the thing...

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Many thanks for that Andrew. I will have a browser through there. the HEQ5 looks excellent. doesn't have the Goto, but i think Stellarium would do that job from a laptop. seems like just the thing...

If the mount is the basic non goto mount, which I think is the case , then you not be able to control the mount through Stellarium. The photos show a black Heq5 which has the basic dual axis drives, not goto.

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Sorry to come in so late on this.

I have this mount (it is definitely the Pro Synscan version) and it carries my 200p with some small amount of difficulty.

With a recommended payload of just 9Kgs, then a 200p is just too much to expect too great a performance from.

I have, however, regularly managed 3min exposures un-guided, but I am having to spend a long time on polar alignment and am now waiting for clear skies to learn how to drift align in the hope of improving this..

With PHD last year I managed to get a successful calibration just once out of three attempts, ( I'm not great at understanding PHD) but that success gave me 3 x 10 min exposures before I noticed my focus had slipped! I stress again though, that I spent a long time aligning prior to starting PHD.

Backlash in Dec is a problem with this mount and will need frequent attention. The dec motor is only attached by one bolt which I managed to wreck the thread on whilst trying to tighten it to stop the motor from moving. The replacement bolt I am using now is far better.

The saddle comes loose on average every five uses, but just needs tightening.

You will definitely need the replacement az/alt adjustment bolts. The standard ones will bend. They cost around £50 for a set.

With an SW80, you'll get much better performance, I'll bet, especially if you spend time polar aligning.


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