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New Borg 71FL f3.9 troubles

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I have received a new scope today from FLO. A beautiful Borg 71FL 3.9 with Feather Touch upgraded focuser. I was hoping to be happy about this, but I have some issues/questions and I hope a fellow borg owner can help me?

Primary issue 1: I cannot for the life of me work out how to couple the Tube to the focuser? I have conflicting info. 1 site says the FT mounts direct to the Borg 7801 adapter and other sits say I need 2 x 7459 to mount the focuser. Firstly the FT does screw direct into the 7801 ring (which screws direct into the 80mm tube, however the FT to 7801 is RIDICULOUSLY tight and I can only get less than 1mm turn in before it locks up, don't want to continue down that route as it does not seem right to me. Other option with the 2x7459 adapters? well, I didn't get a single 7459 with the kit? should I have, and do I need 2?

Part 2: I have also the tube that goes from 80mm down to "smaller?", what is this for? also a 20mm extension I have no idea what this is for? I am an experienced imager and have other refractors, but this system has me baffled today, and there are no instructions at all that came with any part.

Hope someone can come to my aid, I have a very expensive piece of kit just sitting in sad little bits :(

kind regards

Dave Parker

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The guys at FLO will sort you out ... I guess that Steve and James maybe getting ready to head for SGL9 so may not be around as quickly as normal...

I know they had planned to put together "kits" so instead of working out which bits and pieces you needed to order to build a functioning scope they had worked it all out in advance....

Have you contacted then through their helpdesk system - thats probably the best system to use as anybody there can access the messages...


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The only advice i can offer is to try a little lubrication on the tight connection (candle wax etc) i had a similar problem with a WO photo adaptor and a T ring that would "squeal" when i tried to connect and refused to go past 1 mm.

Dont force anything though.


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Hi Dave, if you haven't already please email :smiley: 

James has been using two Borgs mounted side-by-side, one with the Borg helical focuser and the other with a Feathertouch. He will be pleased to help. 


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Thanks for the info guys. 

I have mailed Steve, appreciate it was a bit late in the day. I have no doubt at all that you guys will sort it for me. I am reaching out to the community here to see if I am wrong/right need adapters etc.

James is the one I have been dealing with re: the order so I am sure he'll come up trumps.

Alan -  I am a fan of black boot polish, even then it does not seem to want to go.

Still would like to be directed to a manual\guide etc though, so I understand how to use the other tube pieces and adapters :)


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