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Jupiter.... A few years elusive


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So i had the scope set up earlier as i wanted to get a few pictures, but me being the optimist, i left it assembled and outside to cool as the evening went. There was a period an hour or so ago where the conditions were 'enough' for me to take a quick peek. I looked up at Jupiter and with the 10 and 25mm eyepieces, i could make out the 4 moons and 2 cloud bands. Considering you could barely see anything at all (roughly mag 2-3 not visible), i tought it wasn't a bad go and was worth the hassle. I cannot wait for a properly clear sky! The frac gave me some lovely views of the big planet and i long for a better fix :D

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Sounds like you're hooked just like the rest of us. I never tire of seeing Jupiter and the moons in a seemingly endless variety of orbital positions and I even managed to see a shadow transit very recently. If you think the skies are poor where you are try living in Central Scotland.

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I have been hooked from a very young age... Then i was let off the hook... and with the recent SN2014J, everything's come back to me. I feel your pain dude, poor skies are just so annoying...

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One advantage of observing the planets, especially Jupiter, is that you can see things when the conditions, such as daylight or thin cloud, rule out seeing anything else.

I agree about checking the weather though. I have a couple of apps on my IPad and I probably look at those more than anything else.

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