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American and Pelican Nebulae 23-03-2014


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Imaged in the early hours of Monday morning (what a way to start the week).

This has been imaged with an 80mm flatfield refractor on loan from Altair Astro, to an unmodified Nikon DSLR. I shot 7 subs on this: 3x600s and 4x300s all at 800 iso and 'daylight' colour balanced.

Image processed in PI and PS-CS3. PI used to calibrate, register and stack the frames, plus initial levels and DBE to the background (this may have caused some of the mottling - not sure). Final tweaks in PS with levels and curves applied to individual colour layers.

Hope you like


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Thanks all for the comments

Francis we dont want summer objects yet!! :p great image i love the WF seeing all those stars really is quite hectic up there

Any taste of summer is good right now :grin:

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