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Moon 15th March 2014

Mr TamiyaCowboy

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well took a few mins time out. 

powered up the Canon 350D, fitted the canon EF 90-300mm F4.5-5.6.

moon was full brightness a medium fair given the high whispy cloud.

ISO 800 

1/1250s exposure 

wide open at F5.6

WB set to auto ( because im lazy )

focal length 280mm (35mm equiv = 448mm)

19 shots taken, 9 used.

resized in PIPPS to 1920x1080 (1080p)

file output changed to 8Bit TIFF 

run into registax, 9 frames only, 72 align points chosen by hand/eye.

medium wavelets (19.5) 105 sharpen) No denoise/blur)

gamma curve adjustment three points low mid high and a shallow'ish S curve

in at the bottom center the mid out at the top. 

touched contrast down, brightness lowered. 

hope you enjoy my take and have advice, hints, tips, and nasty words to 

be honest brutal and claws out if need be.


Thank you 


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Looks good.  I'd  try to stick to 16-bit wherever possible as you'll greatly increase the dynamic range available.  Posting in PNG format should preserve that too.  JPEG is only 8-bit.


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thank you james. 

yes i tend to save in 16b tiff , but gimp has been throwing up alot of ,

complaining about converting 16b tifs to 8bit , its unusual but i went with 8bit incase i had to

take the final output at razzle some gimp magic upon it lol. 

weird part, 19 frames taken , 3 frames state 300mm focal of the lens maxed zoom.

the rest state a 280mm focal, i never touched focus or focal length adjustment when shooting the sequence.

did not notice the zoom slip either. 

the raw input files, each file is a blurred blob, slightly under exposed with high whispy fog/cloud 

the night was very hit and miss. Orion nebula you could see the sword but thats was it, no contrasting

splash of faint red hue, but the stars were like  pinpoints.

swapped out to my 50mm f200  finderscope and a super 25, still again all stars pinsharp but no fuzzys or nebula

even clusters did not show well.

here is an original untouched image from the nights short burst capture.

just been converted to jpg with all saves. 


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thank you guys. 

i am starting to like the EF 90-300 lens, ok its a cheapy job and is no 200mm F2.8 monster white beauty.

but its good for lunar disks. 

am getting the hang of registax 6 also.

my first port was wavelets, getting them to pop.

then i went right into gamma, i think this is where most newcomers miss out. 

i used to hammer gamma a lot in my HDR daylight imaging , but never went with it on astro. 

nice shallow'ish S cuve and everything just appeared. i never touched it after just sent it straight to folder.

my best friend is now gamma correction lol 

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