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Final post before buying first scope (honest!)

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I think I have decided on a skywatcher 200p flextube goto.

Decided against 250p due to frequent collimating, issues re coma/collimating & gives me an upgrade path if appropriate.

I am wanting to the goto more for tracking rather than the goto as keen on star hopping.

My question is how flat does the mount have to be to work properly as a goto. I am going to be using it on a field but can guarantee it will be totally flat? It isn't that bumpy a field (part of our back guarded but thick meadow grass - not a lawn). Will this cause the goto system to be inaccurate?

Thanks yet again!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Once you have aligned the goto function (3 star alignment I believe) the mount will be able to find targets as long as the ground it is on is stable and solid rather than dead flat.  If the scope is wobbling about on tufty grass you may not be able to keep good alignment - you'll have to see.  If its a problem three solid supports (bricks?) under the mount base should sort things for you.

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Lots of people say the mount being level is not as important when using a 3 star align as opposed to 2 star. However, I have experienced much better alignment accuracy when everything is level :smiley: I must also add I have never used the Skywatcher alignment software.

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From personal experience the better initial level you can get the quicker Synscan will get you a decent Polar Alignment, i.e., you can get away with fewer cycles between star alignment and polar alignment routines.

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You really need to get the Mount level or the goto will be off. IIRC, there is only a 2 star alignment with the flextube. My 300p was great but it had to be level.

Sent from my HUAWEI U8815 using Tapatalk

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You really need to get the Mount level or the goto will be off. IIRC, there is only a 2 star alignment with the flextube. My 300p was great but it had to be level.

Sent from my HUAWEI U8815 using Tapatalk

Thanks, may need to get a flat surface placed on bricks & a spirit level! Thanks,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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