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Eratosthenes and Stadius.


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Lastnight presented a lovely clear terminator.Just on the edge of Eratosthenes , this covered the crater base in shadow, before the rising sun caught the central peaks. The detail on the crater walls was stunning at x220, with so many shelves to the interior. 

The plain up to a hidden Copernicus showed arcs of tiny craterlets and creases. It almost looked looked like a bowling ball had bounced along.

Stadius was picked out , being a fine ghost crater being fully flooded with lava. there was loads of contrast and the ejecta areas were spectacular over the fov.

Eratosthenes soon gets bleached out, but is a wonderful target to end of the mountain chain,


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Yep, It was spectacular, I was there too, we must have missed each other by a few hours!

Spent a long time lingering over that area after working my way around from Plato, Montes Alpes and Montes Apenninus.

Is there a name for the tiny craterlets and creases that look like a bowling ball has bounced along? Funny that, I've always likened them to a marble rolling across sand! 


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Great report Nick.  The moon has been amazing over the last few nights but I have been unable to catch each night (working commitments :embarassed:), if I were only on holiday I would have loved to have stayed outside.

I am going to make sure I catch these phases next time round.  The seeing 2 nights ago on the great wall & the birt region was spectacular.

Clear skies & happy days


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