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A Decent Setup?

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Hi everyone. After selling two telescopes few years ago, I have been itching to get back in to it, and this time, I want to take some decent pictures. However, I am on a very tight budget and I was considering picking up a 1100D as well as a one of the following:

Celestron Astromaster 130EQ

SkyWatcher Explorer-130P 'SynScan' AZ GoTo 5.1

SkyWatcher Explorer-130P 'Supertrak' AUTO 5.1"

Sky-Watcher Skyhawk-1145P SynScan AZ

Sky-Watcher Explorer-130M

Can you advise which of the above will be best suited of my purpose (general viewing and photography of stars, planets etc [if possible with this setup])?

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I know the Astromaster 130EQ will not be anywhere good enough for good imaging as that is what I have. You firstly need a very good mount, that alone may be more than your budget. I've heard of figures starting at £750 for new on a mount alone.

If you are interested in Imaging then get the book Make Every Photon Count, I would read that before you buy the kit. Observing and imaging ususally takes two different sets of equipment, the latter being by far the most expensive.

I bought the MD for my scope to help track objects a bit and I can piggy back my DSLR on it with a 300mm lens for up to about 20 second exposures. This is still a short exposure as far as AP is concerned. 

With regards to the other scopes, I'm new so can give no idea of what they are or capable of.

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The 130p and m won't achieve focus with a DSLR just like that. I modded my 130p by moving the primary inwards. This way I managed webcam focus. Further inward travel (5inches?) achieved DSLR focus, but visual focus was gone. Can't recommend that.

If you pick up one of these scopes u could only image with a Barlow - but that up's your focal ratio quite a lot...

I'd recommend the 130pds - u can have a look on this forum - I've recently imaged a few small galaxies.

Apart from scopes - for DSO work you'll need a sturdy mount if you'd plan on >2+min subs. We'd often recommend a VERY expensive mount here - but I've tried others, and the advice is sound: HEQ5 PRO. 750£ dent in my pocket - but I'm a reasonably happy bunny...

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Thanks for the replies!

I'd love to be able to splash out and get a HEQ5 but £750 is a huge amount of moeny for me at the moment. Even the EQ5 Deluxe is a huge chunk of money. I thought perhaps the GOTO would suffice as it would track automatically? I will certianly look in to the 130-PDS.

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Thanks for the replies!

I'd love to be able to splash out and get a HEQ5 but £750 is a huge amount of moeny for me at the moment. Even the EQ5 Deluxe is a huge chunk of money. I thought perhaps the GOTO would suffice as it would track automatically? I will certianly look in to the 130-PDS.

Interested to hear the answer on this as it is exactly the same debate i am having at the moment with myself.

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all i got to say is SW 130-PDS!!! you wont be disappointed, man im in love with the blooming thing lol, im imaging M51 (whirlpool galaxy) right now, nearly got 1 hour worth of subs :D


+1 for the 130pds great little scope, i bought it to start imaging and use it more than my 200pds for visual as its so much easier to get out and is more stable on the mount, a good all round scope :smiley:

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Brutally honest answer; if you don't know why you can't use an alt azimuth mount for deep sky imaging you are not ready to press any 'order' buttons. Do more homework. (Of course, you are doing that by posting here, I know.)  Go To has absolutely nothing whatever to do with tracking, and there are two kinds of tracking, alt az and equatorial. Only equatorial is any good for long exposures.

Have you read 'Making Every Photon Count' by Steve RIchards? It could save you a fortune in wasted buys.

I know it sounds ridiculous bt the mount is X10 your priority in imaging. Remove long exposure imaging and everything becomes far more flexible.



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We should start a 130pds imaging thread guys!! :) there're more of us out there than you might think!!

Re: mount!

You can start imaging with anything you have, but if you need to buy, maybe it'd pay off to go and visit someone close to you to show you what it's all about. There's only so much one can read. I'd say as well - go to youtube - lotta informative videos out there!

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