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I have the SW 150P DS but.......

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Hi,  as the title says I already have the 150P DS, been given the go ahead by the hubby to get the SW 80ED pro ( and focal reducer/flattener). My question would be:

1. would it be a nice compliment to my 150P DS?

2. Worth having as an additional scope?

3. Is it worth it?

Prime use would be to image. Any thoughts???

Thanks in advance :)


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Being another 150pds owner I'd say I wouldn't now bother getting another scope with a shorter focal length and smaller aperture (I have an ST-80 which I might use as a guide scope one day). The opposite, perhaps! I always want to image things which are more distant! But it depends on what you might want to use it for? It'd be easier to transport. The ED-80 is certainly highly regarded but I can't quite see any advantage in getting one if you are happy with the 150pds? Unless you hate diffraction spikes??

Just my opinion!


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