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Jupiter Stereo Photo.


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Thank you to Dr B May for allowing me to post this for you to see.

**Tue 29 Jan 08**


I can never resist the call of a nice potential stereo photo ...

I visited my dear friend Patrick Moore today, and met one of his visitors .... Chris Go, an astronomer from the Phillipines who takes astoundingly good photographs of planets from this back garden, where he lives on a hill overlooking the capital city, and the 'seeing' is ALWAYS good! He showed me some consecutive pictures he has taken of Jupiter ... very beautiful ... and some of them were captured just a few minutes apart, making the opportunity for making a stereo pair irresistible! Because the planet has turned a little between exposures, we are seeing it effectively from two viewpoints, in this case thousands of miles apart ... This is comparable to the two images our eyes would receive if we were looking at a tennis ball a couple of feet (sorry, a metre or so!) away. The right eye sees a slightly different picture from the left eye, and our brain, putting the two images together miraculously shows us a 'solid' three-dimensional picture - it's the magic of Stereo Vision!!

So, here it is, courtesy of Mr Go. Jupiter in glorious stereo!


(click to enlarge)

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Yes, that's the way I did it - Quite effective too. I did have to "*beep* my head" slightly - guess my eyes are at different levels - Or could be "the beer"? Interesting to note (Dr!) May's comments about the true 3-D nature of cloudscapes. How I WISH I/we could see a planetary probe picture of such a thing, afore I go... :D

(I leave the quite innocent *beep*, in the above, to your imagination) :D

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