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At the moment I have a 6SE , I will be upgrading it soon but I am torn between a 8SE or a CPC800, I have only been star gazing for a year so I am still learning, I want to get in to some astrophotography as well, can anyone help


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If you want to get into AP then neither - it is on an alt-az mount, you would be better with an C8 on an AVX mount (eq mount).  If it is the SE or CPC then go for the CPC - the SE mount is really unstable with the C8.  But mount it on an AVX, or HEQ5, or if AP is a real future prospect look at the NEQ6 for the additional load/stability

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If you hadn't said you were wanting to do astrophotography I would've said go for the extra stability of the dual forked CPC. You can do some AP on a wedge with it - but as it is - it's a heck of a lot easier, more convenient, and quicker to set up with an EQ mount. Unless you only intend to image planets - in which case a CPC in alt/az mode would be fine.

If however you're after dso's - do get a decent eq mount that will take the C8 tube (and all the required accessories) with ease. An NEQ6 Pro, or CGEM is what I'd be looking at. :)

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