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First night with the ST80


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Finally found a couple of hours to try out my new scope a Skywatcher ST80 with EQ1 Table mount and it didn't let me down. I didn't want to be greedy as it has been a long day so tonight Jupiter was the only target.

Got my self set up in what could only be described as record time due the lightness and easy of setting up the rig; and got observing.

Once in my cross-hairs I settled down for a couple of hours of great observing. What a treat, not a cloud in site, dark skies and Jupiter in all its glory. 

Tonight Jupiter had decided to bring out Ganymede, Europa, Calisto and Io just poking out from the side. The scope performed magnificently for its size and portability giving me a nice crisp view showing great detail on Jupiter surface. 

Cant wait to use this scope again.

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Yeah its a great little scope, and to be honest its had more outings this last 8 months than any of my other scopes, with limited time and weather the ST-80 on the EQ-1 has been grabbed for 20 minute sessions here and there. A very under-rated scope IMHO and I have given recommendations of it as a first scope at a good price to a few people. 

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Very much like mine too, love the ease of focusing compared to the heritage focuser.

My light polluted viewing position shows quite a light back drop to the stars, do you get a blacker back ground?

It is so light to pick up and use.

How did you find any blue CA on Jupiter?

I have only been able to hand hold to look at it so saw moons but no detail as wobbling away.

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This is the joy of the ST80 - on Thursday I got home late and it was clear so rather than lug out my new Dob I grabbed the ST80 and whipped off down the park for three quarters of an hour. Found a few new open clusters, had a brief look at old favourites like Praesepe, had my first view of Mars (I am not an early riser) then was back home in time for tea!

Great scope!


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