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127 Mak capability?

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Was out last night with the above scope to view Jupiter. The best view I gad was using a 10mm eyepiece. Sky conditions just weren't up to using anything more powerful.

I wondered if anyone could tell me what eyepieces can be used to resolve the planets on nights of good to very good seeing.

Many thanks


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For your Mak the top limit if all things come together is about 260x mag.  In real life you probably won't achieve this except with the moon.  I would aim maximum at 5mm EP.  A 2x Barlow with your 10mm gives you this but its putting more glass in the light path of course.

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Hi Clive, for planetary observing you don't really need a wide field eyepiece just something with enough eye relief, to suit you, and sharp. If the standard 10 mm has enough eye relief for you then a good plossl or ortho, of around 10 mm, should improve your views. :smiley:     

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I find that 8mm is about the best I can use with my SW127. Only on very rare conditions that you could get away with 5mm.

I have the mak127 and I would agree that the 8mm is about the best you can achieve with it on most nights.

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