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Astronomical eyepieces for a Swarovski At 80 HD spotting scope.

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I have looked into this and there is no Swarovski bayonet to 1.25 adaptor available. Swarovski do a bayonet coupling to connect a DSLR with T piece direct to the scope  but this is specifically for birding so I have doubts as to whether it would be possible to reach focus for astronomical use. Therefore I have decided not to risk £340 to find out . Probably better to put the money towards a decent  astronomical apochromatic reflector telescope.

Any way I can still my nice Swarovski scope on my equatorial mount for observing.

Thank you for the useful pointers Happy Kat

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I suspect you'd be better in the long run buying a used SW 80ED for imaging and if you wanted to do some observing while your imaging rig runs, a larger aperture instrument like an 8" newt? if you buy carefully, you might get all that used for the price of your adapter.

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