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Second Hand Telescope

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Hi All

Took the advice on last post when I said I was getting an EQ6 Pro Mount.

Well got the mount, now I need a scope , I want one that would be good as a start up for imaging eventually, and also for viewing, as I've spent quite a bit on the mount the Mrs is putting some restriction on the cost of the telescope, so cant go overboard.

Any suggestion on what sort of second hand scope to look out for!

Eddie t

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For imaging I'd go for something like an ED80, can be picked up fairly cheap second hand.

If it was just visual then I'd buy an 8" F5 newt, again fairly cheap for the size of scope.

Unless of course your into planets and the moon, then I'd say go for a Skymax 150 or 180, good visual and imaging.



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Your choice of a Schmidt-Newt (other thread) is good both for obs and imaging, pity there are not more around.  Am looking for 10" one at a reasonable price myself. 

As for buying favours with yr good lady, hope you're luckier than me. My better half has seen thru most of my ploys... :embarassed:

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